
Book Review

Legend of the Black Roses (Black Rose, #1)Legend of the Black Roses by D. C. Cowan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I bear the same name as the author, but I'm actually not the real author of the Legend of the Black Roses. It was written over thirty years ago, but was never published by the author. The story is very unique in many ways. It's hard to find a book that's similar to it, at least within the books written by and about African Americans. I compare it to the book Kindred, not because the stories are similar, but by what they portray. Kindred tells the world what would happen if a modern African American female was taken from her life and sent into the past. But what if an African princess was ripped from her homeland, forced into slavery, and is somehow lost in time as well. This is the real mystery of the story. How does the spirit of an African princess become a disembodied spirit? Don't worry; I haven't spoiled anything with this review. This answer isn't revealed in the first novel anyway. There are many twists and turns in the first novel and hopefully the series to come that keeps the story interesting.

View all my reviews

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Power of the Crowd: Help Diversify the World of Literature

It only takes one to make a difference

Individually, most people are powerless to make a significant change; but when those individuals join forces, they can change the world.  Crowd-funding empowers the public and allows people to get involved with the books they want to see on the shelf.  Fund a book and help sponsor one of D. C. Cowan’s future novels. You'll be helping the world of literature diversify protagonists with more male and female characters of color. 

D. C. Cowan uses Pubslush as their platform for crowd-funding.  The authors ask that you support this series because you will receive a great reward in return, but also they ask for your support because the world of fantasy fiction is seriously lacking in minority heroes.  You'll not only be helping the authors and editors who work for DCCowanAuthors.com, but also helping the world of literature see a little more color in its characters.


Every penny can help

Three ways to support:

1.)   Crowd-funding: Remember, this is not a hand-out.  You make a pledge and receive a reward in return for your support.    http://blackroseseries.pubslush.com

2.)   Make a financial pledge:  You can pledge a little (i.e. $1.00) or a lot (i.e. $25.00) to their cause. http://www.dccowanauthors.com/#!fund-a-book/c1tob

3.)   Purchase books currently available from the author: Proceeds go towards Black Rose Series. http://www.dccowanauthors.com/#!shop/c1fn5

Black Rose Pledge
#crowdfunding, #books

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